Australia’s first rain tank calculator application.
Find out how much rain water you can capture from your roof and then see how much town water you can save by using rain water in your garden and home.
The app also has a live listing of all the water saving products certified by the Smart WaterMark scheme, Australia’s water conservation label.
The easy to use application will show you how much water can be saved using small, medium and large rain tanks. It will also show how much greenhouse gas emissions could be saved from the embedded energy in the collection, treatment and distribution of town water saved.
To ensure accurate results, daily rainfall, evaporation and temperature data from the Bureau of Meteorology for the past 10 years has been created for every postcode across Australia.
The Rain Tank calculator was developed by Smart WaterMark working with the Institute for Sustainable Futures.
The live database of Smart WaterMark certified products will enable you to identify water saving products and services when out and about.